Sugar, What is your real name?

Sugar has a new name and its been greedy….Sugar is not all bad, but its been a bit sneaky! Try to get all of your carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans. Not processed packaged complex carbohydrates, they contain heaps of unnecessary added flavours. The only way to know what you are eating is to make the food yourself, in your own home with your own selection of ingredients. General little rule: Fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains contain simple sugars. Natural sugar in whole food is good sugar. When any type of sugar is added to foods during processing, cooking or at the table, you consume calories without any nutrients or fibre. This type of sugar, called “added sugar”, its bad sugar. 60 Names for Sugar Agave Nectar Castor Sugar Honey Sucrose Amasake Date Sugar Icing Sugar

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